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Loziba Wildlife Reserve

Recently, and as part of this more active role and with the help of one of its primary benefactors, the Charles James Lilleshall (CJL) Family Trust based in Durban, has acquired a farm in Zululand, which is to be the catalytic start of the formation of a game reserve called Loziba Wildlife Reserve (

This is part of our stated mission to save 45 elephants which are currently under threat from an execution order. The Loziba Wildlife Reserve was initially conceptualized 4 years ago, to act as a sanctuary to the herd of elephants, which has been roaming free for the past number of years. One of the visionaries behind Loziba Wildlife Reserve, Beyers Coetzee, was tragically killed by one the younger bull elephants 2 years ago, whilst mapping out the extent of the Reserve and who’s memory and massive contribution is part of the Loziba legacy.

The farm purchase is the start of the purchasing of other farms in the region, which then, in collaboration and partnership with the local community farm owners, will form the 36,000-hectare Loziba Wildlife Reserve. The Reserve will not only become the safe new home to this elephant herd, but it will also include a number of other endangered species, from black rhino, to cheetah, pangolin and lion.

Once complete the reserve intends having a number of lodges and camps developed through private investment, which will then attract both local and foreign visitors to visit Loziba to experience its incredible and unique biodiversity as well as the big 5.


Friends of the Human Elephant Foundation

We require urgent support to assist us in the endeavour to bring about the Loziba Wildlife Reserve project, as well as realising other significant elephant conservation needs throughout Africa. These include corridor and game reserve development, human – elephant conflict resolution, education and awareness through art.

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